Skilled Bankruptcy Lawyer In Camilla, Georgia


With just over 5,000 residents calling our Mitchell County city home, our Camilla, Georgiabankruptcy attorney understands how important it is for each person who is struggling with overwhelming debt to have access to the financial solutions necessary that will provide a fresh start.

For more than 25 years, our Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney in Camilla at The Law Office of Robert J. Pinnero P.C., has delivered results for our community in their time of need, putting a stop to foreclosure and repossession threats, and providing financial hope where it previously caused despair. If you or someone you love is suffering from insurmountable debt, and are receiving threatening phone calls and letters from your creditors, our Camilla bankruptcy lawyer can help put a stop to the harassment.

Largest Employment Opportunities Located In Camilla, Georgia

According to the Camilla, Georgia, Chamber of Commerce, the largest employers in our city include:

Your source of employment is the one thing keeping you going each day, as you provide for you and your family's well-being. Unfortunately, once you are in so deep, going to work every day can seem futile, especially when you are facing wage garnishments that compromise your paycheck.

When you are overcome by debt, and are unable to keep up with minimum payments, or are so far behind on your mortgage or car payment that you are worried about having your home or vehicle repossessed, your entire life revolves around finding a solution to your financial trouble. And when your paycheck isn't providing the relief you need, life can become really hard to handle.

The Camilla bankruptcy attorney at The Law Office of Robert J. Pinnero P.C., can create unique solutions for your financial difficulties, so you can move forward with confidence.

Is Camilla, Georgia, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Right For Me?

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a common solution to countering overwhelming debt throughout Camilla, Georgia.

According to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, people often file for bankruptcy after prolonged unemployment, divorce and unexpected medical expenses that can cripple their financial standing without notice.

Last year throughout the United States, 472,135 people filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Camilla, Georgia, allows our qualifying residents to eliminate their unsecured debt, and gain a positive outlook that will allow them to remove the financial stress from their day-to-day life, and move forward.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy can eliminate:

  • Credit card debt
  • Judgments from court rulings, repossessed vehicles or foreclosures
  • Medical bills
  • Personal loans

Once your personal Chapter 7 bankruptcy proceedings begin, all harassment from your creditors must stop.

Creditors can no longer:

  • Attempt to collect payments from you
  • Call you, send collection mail or electronically communicate financial requests
  • File lawsuits seeking debt repayment
  • Garnish your wages
  • Proceed with foreclosure on your home
  • Repossess your vehicle or other assets

Chapter 7 bankruptcy can give you the fresh start you need to get out from under the debt you have incurred to date, so you can get your life back.

If Chapter 7 bankruptcy is not right for you, you could qualify for Chapter 13 debt reorganization relief, which will also allow you to keep your home from falling into foreclosure and your car from being repossessed.

Call Our Camilla Bankruptcy Attorney Now

To learn about all of your financial options, contact our Camilla, Georgia, bankruptcy attorney at The Law Office of Robert J. Pinnero P.C., today at 229-436-9661 to discover the best solution to overcome your outstanding debt before it is too late. Our bankruptcy lawyer is available to provide answers to all of your financial questions, so you can make an informed decision regarding the best bankruptcy option available for your personal circumstances.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.



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