There are numerous concerns when debt problems become more serious. You are probably worried about the constant harassment from collectors and losing some of your most important assets. Probably the most important of these assets in jeopardy is your home. Losing a home can be catastrophic for families or individuals. The arrival of your first foreclosure notice can be a terrifying experience. It is important to do everything you can to prevent foreclosure.
At The Law Office of Robert J. Pinnero P.C., in Albany, we represent Georgia clients in bankruptcy and other debt relief options. In addition to our compassionate, caring approach to helping our clients, our attorney has more than 25 years of legal experience and knowledge. There is more to our service than empathy. We are thoroughly familiar with the various options available to stall or stop your home from foreclosure.
We Will Help You Find The Solutions You Need
There are numerous solutions to the debt issues you are facing, including:
- Chapter 7 bankruptcy: When you liquidate your debts with bankruptcy, we can fight to help you keep your home. If you would be able to continue making payments after the bankruptcy proceedings are concluded and other factors line up, there is a chance we could stop a foreclosure.
- Chapter 13 bankruptcy: For people who are able to maintain their house payments, a Chapter 13 debt-reorganization solution could be the perfect choice.
- Other solutions: In many cases, bankruptcy can buy time and eliminate other debts in a way that can allow a debtor to get caught up on house payments and avoid foreclosure. In other cases, we are often able to negotiate some kind of alternative solutions between our clients and the lender.
The most important thing for you right now, if you're facing a possible foreclosure, is to ACT FAST. The sooner you get us involved, the more we can do to help you.
Contact Us To Save Your Home
We have been helping people just like you keep their homes for more than 25 years. Contact us to discuss how we can help you. Call 229-436-9661 or email us today for a free initial consultation.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.