Getting Out From Under Serious Credit Card Debt


Debt is a serious problem in the United States, impacting more people than almost any other time in history. Credit card debt is often the root cause of the serious debt problems facing so many people today. If you are facing insurmountable credit card debt, you are probably bombarded with advertisements for credit card debt companies who promise various solutions.

Debt is a legal problem. Your best approach to resolving debt issues is to work with a legal professional who knows the law and knows how to help you find the solutions you need to get out of debt. At The Law Office of Robert J. Pinnero P.C., we bring more than 25 years of legal experience and a strong commitment to every client we help. Our attorney represents clients in Albany and throughout the surrounding areas of Georgia in bankruptcy credit card debt cases.

If there is a way to help you get free from credit card debt, we will find it.

How We Can Help You

When you meet with us in a free initial consultation, we will start by talking about your goals and looking over your financial situation. Once we have a good understanding of what you're looking at, we can help you find the right solution.

In many cases, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the right choice. Chapter 7 is a debt liquidation choice that's generally most appropriate for people who are buried in debt without the ability to catch up on their payments even if the debts were reorganized. This option helps people get the fastest, most complete liquidation of their debts.

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is intended to help people reorganize debts. If you have a solid income such that you could retain some of your debts if you liquidated others and reorganized the debts, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy might be the right choice.

In addition to Chapters 7 and 13, there are numerous non-bankruptcy options we could discuss. We will help you find the solutions you need.

Contact Our Team Today

It is important not to feel embarrassed about considering bankruptcy. Our legal team helps people all the time, as it is extremely common for people to find themselves with serious debt problems. Let us help you.

Call us at 229-436-9661 or contact us online to schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced bankruptcy lawyer.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.



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